Rent Review​s
Industry Insight
Industry Insight
Our interaction and longstanding involvement in the licensed and leisure property sector has presented us with detailed understanding of the inner workings, the tricks, and the strategies used against many lessees and tenants. We have put together a resource bank, bringing our knowledge to light, in an effort to inform the operators of our industry what actually goes on.
Our interaction and longstanding involvement in the licensed and leisure property sector has presented us with detailed understanding of the inner workings, the tricks, and the strategies used against many lessees and tenants. We have put together a resource bank, bringing our knowledge to light, in an effort to inform the operators of our industry what actually goes on.

Landlord & Tenant
Landlord and Tenant relationships are enshrined in the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 as amended by subsequent legislation. ‘The Law’, however, does not stop there and is being constantly modified by reported Case Law which is generally in the High Court. Because of more frequent involvement in the lower division of the judiciary, the County Court, both David Morgan and Simon Clarke have unrivalled experience in the progress of unreported cases that form the backbone of Landlord & Tenant relationships.
Professionalism in our Team is also governed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Guidance Notes that are mandatory for all Chartered Surveyors. By invitation of the RICS both David and Simon were involved in the formulation and wording of RICS GN67/2010 published in December 2010. This Guidance Note is now the benchmark for all Licensed / Leisure property professionals.
We offer a free-of-charge, Strength of Case Review for every rent review or lease renewal case that is referred to us. This service is both confidential and without any obligation. It enables both ourselves and our Client to take stock of the current position and any offers made, etc. The review takes the form of a ‘desktop’ study of financial and background information. A firm recommendation backed by a reasoned opinion is then issued. No charge is made for this service and there is no obligation as to any further ongoing relationship.
We take pride in being at the cutting edge of our specialisation to the benefit of current and future Clients. We hold an ever-growing library of both case law and legal decisions. Attention to detail is everything and upon which all of our Clients can rely on - 'Failure to prepare is preparing to fail'
Chris Wright, a consultant at Morgan & Clarke and director of the Pubs Advisory Service is deeply embedded in aspects of the MRO referral procedure linked with the Pubs Code Adjudicatory service.
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